Friday 10 December 2010

Life Drawing Session (Last of Term)

I like the life drawing sessions for two reasons: one; we are not marked. No marks means no pressure. You go at your won pace. Two; I feel I am growing and understanding the human form better. I think by the end of the year I will have improved dramatically.

Visual Research Presentation

Today me and Marc Cullen had to give our visual research presentation to what should have been the entire first years of the course but ended being half of that. Our presentation was Hayao Miyazaki's oscar nominated Spirited Away. The presentation was 10 minutes giving us 5 mintes each to talk. Marc chose to explored the directing and production with reference to Miyazaki himself. I chose to explore the social and historical behind the film with reference to World War II influences and westernization. I was pleased with the design and layout of the slides; as this allowed my design skills to come in handy.

I have learnt a lot from this project. In future presentations will not be left to the last minute and I will ensure my talk is either a conversation orientated script or I know the suject in such depth I am able to speak about it both fluently and passionately. But its a learning curve.

Below is a PDF version of our power point slides for you to enjoy.

Omari McCarthy Visual Research Presentation

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Walk Cycle: 3D & 2D

As part of our last Animation Practice project Last week we recorded our won walks in the photography studio to use as reference material for a walk cycle. We then had to create a calks cycle in 3D using Maya 2010 and hand drawn. Below is the reference material and the final pieces. Enjoy.

(The Not Very) Experimental Sketchbook

Okay, so we were supposed to do answer the brief I get it but when it comes to sketching I prefer to let it poor from the heart. I get that in industry we will be working to briefs. I can work on that. Below are some photographs I took from my sketchbook of  that I am quite proud of. I would like to leave you with this disclaimer and me work. Enjoy.
*The work is here does not fully represent the illustrative abilities of Omari McCarthy and is to be used a reference only. Please see full sketchbook for more details. Thank you.*



Background Project: Garage Scene